Announcing the Winner of our 2022 Case of the Year Award!

Modified: March 10, 2023 - 10:12 AM

Robert G. Gerety Case of the Year Award Winner 2022

Our annual Gerety Advanced Orthodontic Treatment Mechanics Symposium in Dallas was held August 19 & 20. Our theme and focus this year was Sharing the Secrets to Case Finishing. Our goal was to help our orthodontic students see their cases with the same vision that Big Bob applied in case finishing and to understand the mechanics that are needed to finish the case with excellence. Since the emphasis of the weekend was on case finishing, it was the perfect time to present our annual Robert Gerety Case of the Year Award. 


This award celebrates the incredible work that our students are achieving and their dedication to excellence. As a “Celebration of Excellence” we invited each of our participants to bring their most outstanding case to present at the symposium and we are so pleased to announce that this year’s recipient of our Case of the Year Award is Dr. Jane Birriel from Morgan City, LA.


Congratulations Jane!

Dr Debra Ettle-Resnick presented the award to Dr Birriel who originally took our Comprehensive course in Tulsa and who has continued to support the comprehensive course as our team presents it in now in Dallas and is a devoted mentor to our newer students.  Jane is also an active online student who you may just run into on The Forum.  She received a beautifully engraved award to display at her office, a lifetime membership to our website, and 10 cases of brackets! 

This is Jane Birriel's  "Robert Gerety Case of the Year Award" winning case for 2022






We are so excited to have an area of our website that will showcase the achievements of our students and to show their mastery of orthodontics!  Please visit our Student's Success Stories page to see some of the other cases Jane has finished. If you are a Gerety student and have a case that you are particularly proud of, please contact us and we will proudly show it off too!