Embracing a New Era


Modified: March 25, 2016 - 05:00 AM by Robert Gerety

We have just completed the first year of our Gerety Ortho Study Group in Dallas and have had a wonderful time and have enjoyed the study group format immensely. All three sessions have been very productive with a blend of lectures, hands-on exercises, case review sessions and dynamic group discussions.  The personal interaction among the participants has been so fulfilling to watch develop.

We began the Gerety Orthodontic Study Group with a mission to enhance and nurture the development of our students’ orthodontic education.  We felt that the Ortho Study Group meetings would provide the opportunity to review treatment planning and treatment mechanics, to troubleshoot cases in treatment, and to individually address case finishing concerns.  It has also been important to us to carry on the orthodontic teachings of Dr Bob Gerety who became one of the most respected instructors and clinicians in the industry.  The Gerety ortho courses have been based on straight wire mechanics and the principles and theories developed by Big Bob and can now be carried on by his students sharing their experiences with others who have the desire to learn orthodontics.

The structure for our Study Group followed the basic outline of our extended ortho courses.  We began with case diagnosis and case selection, treatment planning, bracket placement and basic mechanics.  We built on this in the subsequent sessions to include advanced mechanics, difficult cases, adult treatment, successful interceptive treatment and case finishing.  The success of this type of ortho course is dependent on the members’ interactive involvement and their submission of cases to review and to troubleshoot and we are so appreciative to all of our students who took the time to prepare presentations and to all who brought cases to present to the Study Group. 

Because we appreciate the contributions that new ideas can provide to a well rounded ortho education we had presentations by Kay Gerety and Dr Grant Gerety as well as from our study group participants and we had a special invited guest lecturer, Dr Joe Schmidbauer present Big Bob’s Advanced Case Finishing Mechanics.  Dr Schmidbauer has been teaching the Gerety Comprehensive Ortho course in Atlanta and is serving the American Orthodontic Society as a Board Examiner for the AOS Credentialing Program, and we are thrilled to announce that Dr Schmidbauer and Kay Gerety will be presenting the Robert Gerety Comprehensive Orthodontic Education Program in Tulsa, OK this fall.  For more information on the Tulsa Comprehensive course contact Straight Wire Seminars at 877-448-8606 or visit their website www.StraightWireSeminars.com

Because we believe in providing a complete program for the General Dentist to learn ortho plus provide training for the staff, Kay Gerety also presented an Advanced Assistant Course in conjunction with the Study Group which was a huge success!  The Gerety Ortho Study Group was designed to be a complete program for all of our past students who were interested in furthering their orthodontic studies, and our first year was a tremendous experience for us and we truly appreciate the support and participation of all who attended.