Modified: March 25, 2016 - 05:12 AM by Robert Gerety

  We were able to sustain the momentum from our first two sessions and had a truly amazing weekend during session 3 in Tulsa. Our class is an enjoyable group of enthusiastic dentists that just continue to prove that they are dedicated to furthering their orthodontic educations. They are honestly a pleasure to be working with. They are so dedicated that they worked through lunch on Saturday when Kay presented a Lunch & Learn on the Wide Wonderful World of Archwires which unraveled the mysteries of all the types of archwires. The Lunch & Learn was such a success that we have invited Clinipix to present a photography Lunch & Learn during session four.

During session one our focal point was on the initial stages of treatment which covered proper record taking, cephalometric analysis, diagnosis and treatment planning, and the proper placement of brackets and bands. Session two we focused on building on the concepts from session one and introduced Big Bob's archwire sequence, force systems, ligation methods, and the use of the Multi-Distalizing Arch. Session three covered elastic forces, pletcher springs, lip bumpers, and the Nitanium Palatal Expander. We had several hands-on projects to reinforce the lecture material and it was a pleasure to see the teamwork and diligence as our group of doctors tackled these exercises.

On Sunday we had the case review segment of our ortho course which is an invaluable part of our program. The case review offers our students the opportunity to present cases for help with initial diagnosis, or cases that are in treatment, and provides them with the exposure to many different treatment objectives. Our students have chosen their cases wisely and have presented exciting cases that will be fun to watch as they progress.

The majority of our class has elected to join the Gerety Orthodontic Seminars website and take advantage of the opportunity to access the online sessions of the comprehensive program in between the onsite meetings. It is a great study aid and allows the participants to view the information as many times as they like and at any time. In addition to the online course access, the participants can submit (3) cases for diagnosis, treatment planning and trouble shooting. This has proved to be a very valuable tool for them between sessions as they begin their first cases and have questions and concerns.

Our next session will be March 30-April 1 at the Hilton Southern Hills Tulsa and we welcome all of Big Bob's past students to attend and participate as a Monitor. There will be lots of action during session 4, in addition to the course we will have the Lunch & Learn on photography and Kay will be presenting her Basic Orthodontic Training for Assistants. Kay's course is the perfect opportunity for you to begin the process of providing your staff with the knowledge and confidence they need to successfully perform the duties you choose to delegate. To register your staff for Kay's course or to register as a monitor in our comprehensive orthodontic course please phone Straight Wire Seminars at 877-448-8606 or visit their website at